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Top 10 Calgary Highlights

September 04 - 09

"Amber, the German Shepherd who was rescued from abuse in August, was adopted on Wednesday."

"YW Calgary says its new crisis shelter doubles its capacity to help victims of domestic violence."

"American restaurateur, TV host, author, and hero Guy Fieri was just spotted in Calgary. Surrounded by a crew, he was clearly here to film a few of Calgary’s best gems."

"After three years of construction, the city’s $49.8 million Downtown Flood Barrier and Eau Claire Promenade are complete. Now, Calgary’s downtown is protected by a continuous flood wall spanning from Peace Bridge to Reconciliation Bridge."

"Sparrow Artspace is hosting an emotion packed free exhibit at its northeast gallery for the month of September."

"Opening sometime in early November, this spot is located in the Inglewood community."

"The Calgary Cat Festival and Market is back for its second year at the Telus Convention Centre, and there are so many fun and unique feline-themed activities to look forward to."

"Happening on Thursday, September 28, the “most legendary nightclub” is having a Barbie-themed party and there will be plenty of Kenergy too"

"Opening in the new community of Greenwich, next to the Calgary Farmer’s Market NW and across from C.O.P on Highway 1"

"A moose that wandered into Calgary’s southeast Sunday has died, because of the crowds of people trying to get a good picture of it. Alberta Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Services (FWES) says in a statement to CityNews that the animal was in such a state of stress and exhaustion after the ordeal, it died."

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